18 January 2008

Bisnis 18-Jan-08: Produsen tahu tempe tetap tuntut harga kedelai stabil

Jumat, 18/01/2008

Produsen tahu tempe tetap tuntut harga kedelai stabil

    JAKARTA: Kalangan produsen tahu tempe tetap menuntut stabilisasi harga kedelai, karena pembebasan bea masuk impor komoditas itu dinilai belum mengatasi ancaman kebangkrutan usaha mereka.

Ketua Forum Komunikasi Primkopti Jakarta (FKPJ) Sutaryo mengatakan harga kedelai di pasar luar negeri dalam enam bulan ke depan diproyeksi naik rata-rata 5% per bulan.

"Kalau harga di pasar Indonesia saat ini di angka Rp7.000 per kg dan nanti di akhir Juni diprediksi Rp9.000 per kg, kami minta pemerintah menetapkan harga tetap untuk enam bulan Rp8.000," ujarnya, kemarin.

Sutaryo mengatakan produsen tahu tempe lebih menekankan pada stabilitas atau kepastian harga tetap karena pengusaha mikro ini tidak mengetahui perkembangan harga di luar negeri.

"Masalahnya, harga lelang kedelai di Chicago hari ini langsung memengaruhi harga di tingkat perajin tempe. Kalau hari ini berjualan tempe, lalu besok harga kedelai naik, kan, modalnya tergerus lagi," ujarnya.

FKPJ menyampaikan empat tuntutan kepada pemerintah dan DPR sebagai reaksi lonjakan harga kedelai, mencakup stabilisasi harga, penurunan harga, tata niaga baru dan swasembada kedelai.

Namun, kata dia, saat rapat terbatas di Deptan, Presiden hanya menjawab tiga poin, yakni penghapusan bea masuk, pengawasan perdagangan importir dan swasembada kedelai. 

"Masalah stabilitas harga belum dijawab, masih kabur, diganti dengan diawasinya perdagangan oleh importir," ujar Sutaryo.

Padalah, pemerintah sebenarnya diharapkan bersedia mengambil risiko melalui kebijakan harga tetap, meski kemungkinan meraih untung tetap terbuka. 

Subsidi kedelai

Sementara itu, kalangan legislator di Komisi VI DPR mengusulkan subsidi harga kedelai bagi para perajin tahu tempe, mengingat pembebasan bea masuk impor belum cukup mengatasi kenaikan harga komoditas itu.

"Kita carikan anggaran subsidi, tanpa subsidi tidak bisa [turun]. Mengapa di subsidi? Karena kedelai kebutuhan pokok masyarakat, termasuk tahu tempe," ujar Aria Bima, legislator dari F-PDIP.

Pada saat yang sama, kata dia, kalangan perajin dan lembaga perwakilan rakyat harus konsisten menyuarakan aspirasi dan melakukan tekanan kepada pemerintah.

Senada dengan rekan sefraksi, Hasto Kristianto mendesakkan menggunakan dana cadangan untuk ketahanan pangan dan memintah pemerintah merevisi APBN.

"Minggu lalu gandum dapat pembebasan PPN Rp1,2 triliun. Mengapa gandum yang produksi kita rendah ada subsidi yang diberikan. Ini karena lobi-lobi korporasi," ujarnya.

Refrizal, politikus dari F-PKS, berpendapat pemerintah perlu menyamakan kondisi lonjakan harga kedelai dengan bencana, karena telah mengancam 'kehidupan' masyarakat banyak.

Namun dia tidak setuju Bulog diserahi pengadaan kedelai, karena yang akan mengimpor pemain swasta itu. Menurut dia, impor seharusnya dilakukan koperasi, sehingga kedelai bisa langsung sampai ke perajin dan tidak lagi dimainkan swasta.� (fatkul.masykur@bisnis.co.id)

Oleh Moh. Fatkhul Maskur
Bisnis Indonesia


Bisnis 18-Jan-08: Bulog siap impor 50% kebutuhan kedelai nasional

Jumat, 18/01/2008

Bulog siap impor 50% kebutuhan kedelai nasional

JAKARTA: Perum Bulog menyatakan siap melakukan impor kedelai dari Amerika Serikat, setidaknya 50% untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri, sedangkan pemerintah tengah membahas opsi subsidi harga kedelai.

Dirut Perum Bulog Mustafa Abubakar mengatakan pihaknya sudah menjajaki harga dan jenis kedelai dari Amerika Serikat dan tinggal menunggu penugasan dari pemerintah untuk melakukan impor.

"Kami kini hanya menunggu, apabila ditugaskan kami sudah siap. Untuk penjajakan impor kami sudah lakukan, dan kemungkinan dari AS," kata Mustafa kepada Bisnis, kemarin.

Dia menjelaskan selama ini importir swasta mendatangkan kedelai kelas II dari AS, sehingga pihaknya juga berencana mendatangkan kedelai jenis yang sama, karena sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia.

"Harga di AS untuk kedelai kelas II sebesar US$600 per ton, jatuhnya kalau di pasar dalam negeri memang sebesar Rp7.000-an per kg," paparnya.

Menurut dia, kepastian penugasan pemerintah diperlukan karena apabila Bulog melakukan impor sendiri, membutuhkan proses perizinan yang lama. "Kalau dengan penugasan, langsung dapat izin impor dan kuota."

Sebelumnya, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Wapres Jusuf Kalla memberikan sinyal kepada Bulog untuk melakukan impor kedelai. Demikian pula Dirjen Industri kecil dan Menengah Departemen Perindustrian Fauzi Azis yang mengatakan selain penurunan BM kedelai menjadi 0%, pemerintah juga akan menugaskan Perum Bulog sebagai importir kedelai.

Namun, Bayu Krisnamurthi, Deputi Menko Perekonomian Bidang Pertanian dan Kelautan� mengatakan belum ada rencana penugasan ke Bulog untuk melakukan impor. "Belum, kan kalau impor juga waktunya juga mendadak."

Beri subsidi

Sumber Bisnis menyatakan pemerintah sedang membahas opsi subsidi untuk meredam harga kedelai, sampai tenggat waktu BM 0% itu efektif pada Maret.

"Rapat kemarin [Rabu] yang sempat dibahas secara intensif adalah subsidi, masalahnya kalau restitusi pajak bea masuk, peraturan kita tidak memungkinkan. Nah subsidi ini yang sedang digodok Depkeu dan Depdag," kata sumber yang menjabat� eselon I di salah satu departemen itu.

Mengenai skema subsidi, menurut dia, ada beberapa opsi, apa itu diambilkan dari anggaran APBN atau pemerintah menanggung pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN) seperti pada minyak sawit. "Semua alternatif itu masih dipersiapkan." 

Menyikapi rencana pemerintah menentukan harga patokan kedelai nasional, Tenaga Ahli Menteri Pertanian Bidang Budi daya Baran Wirawan menuturkan harga itu harus memperhitungkan keuntungan bagi petani kedelai.

Dengan kondisi seperti saat ini, harga patokan untuk kedelai harus berada di atas biaya produksi sekitar Rp4.000 per kilogram. "Yang ideal itu minimal Rp5.500-Rp6.000 per kilogram karena biaya produksi sudah sampai Rp4.000."

Dengan memperhitungkan margin laba bagi petani, lanjutnya, harga setingkat itu juga jadi insentif bagi petani kedelai yang telantar akibat kebijakan yang memprioritaskan beras.

Direktur Program Pascasarjana Bisnis dan Manajemen IPB Arif Daryanto mengatakan gejolak harga produk turunan kedelai di Tanah Air merupakan bukti kekurangwaspadaan pemerintah dari risiko ketergantungan bahan baku asing.

Arif menuturkan Indonesia dan negara berkembang yang lain 'dininabobokan' oleh kedelai yang mengandung subsidi yang tinggi dari negara maju.� Subsidi pertanian yang tinggi menyebabkan kedelai bisa dijual dengan harga murah.(11/John Andhi Oktaveri/ Aprika R. Hernanda/Lutfi Zaenudin/M. Rochmad Purboyo) (redaksi@bisnis.co.id)

Bisnis Indonesia


Bisnis 18-Jan-08: Mungkinkah Harga Kedelai Diturunkan

Jumat, 18/01/2008

Mungkinkah harga kedelai diturunkan

Sejarah perkedelaian Indonesia mencatat, impor kedelai pertama kali dilakukan pada 1928. Komoditas itu didatangkan dari China. Jumlahnya tidak banyak, sekitar 63.000 ton per tahun, tulis laporan Bokhuis dan Von Libbenstein (1932).

Namun, saat resesi ekonomi dunia terjadi pada 1934 dan menyebabkan melonjaknya harga kedelai global, imbas pun terjadi pada stabilitas harga di dalam negeri. Terutama produk tempe dan tahu yang kala itu baru banyak digemari di Jawa.

Tangan besi kolonialisme Belanda bertindak. Mereka langsung melarang impor kedelai, dan sebagai penggantinya dibuat program peningkatan produksi komoditas itu di dalam negeri.

Waktu itu, faktor populasi masih mendukung. Penduduk masih sedikit dan lahan terbentang luas. Program peningkatan produksi pun disokong dengan membagi benih gratis. Meskipun produktivitas hanya 6 kuintal per hektare, kebutuhan kedelai bisa dipenuhi hingga 1950-an.

Defisit pasokan kedelai kembali terjadi pada awal 1960-an. Pemerintah Orde Lama pun mencanangkan program Semesta Berencana untuk meningkatkan produksi kedelai pada 1964.

Pada 1950-1975, jumlah konsumen komoditas itu� masih sedikit, yakni Jawa, Madura dan Sunda, sehingga kendati masih impor, Indonesia sempat mencatat ekspor di kala surplus kedelai.

Selanjutnya 'demam impor' kedelai mulai muncul lagi pada 1975 hingga kini. Pada 1975-1980 impor kedelai sekitar 150.000-280.000 ton per tahun. Impor itu melonjak pada 1980-1990 menjadi 500.000-800.000 ton per tahun. Pada 1991-2000 impor kedelai terus naik menjadi 900.000-1,5 juta ton per tahun. (lihat tabel)

Diperkirakan permintaan kedelai pada 2010 mencapai 3,87 juta ton, sehingga impor bakal menembus angka tiga juta ton per tahun apabila laju produksi sama dengan saat ini atau cenderung merosot.

Ketergantungan impor kedelai saat itu disebabkan oleh instrumen perdagangan yang meniadakan bea masuk impor (BM) alias 0%. Selain BM 0%, pemerintah juga menerapkan tata niaga kedelai yang impornya dimonopoli Bulog.

Saat kebijakan tata niaga dicabut pada era reformasi dan BM dinaikkan menjadi 10% pada 2002, tindakan itu sudah terlambat. Skenario pencabutan tata niaga kedelai-dan juga komoditas lain-terlebih dulu daripada menerapkan BM impor sebenarnya diatur Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) guna memberikan candu bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat Indonesia.


Setelah monopoli impor dicabut, akhirnya pihak swasta pun ramai-ramai menjadi trader. Namun, trader swasta lokal tidak bertahan lama. Jika bertahan lama, itu hanya sebuah nama di mana ada perusahaan multinasional di belakangnya.

Ketergantungan impor kedelai yang membahayakan stabilitas pangan-terutama sebagai bahan baku industri turunan komoditas itu-mulai dirasakan pada 2000. Namun, respons baru dilakukan pada 2002. Itu pun hanya menerapkan BM impor sebesar 10%. 

Padahal, usulan Deptan kala itu, untuk merangsang petani menanam kedelai BM impornya harus sebesar 27%, dengan alasan harga kedelai lokal waktu itu lebih mahal Rp950 per kg dari kedelai impor (Rp1.890 per kg). 

Tak kurang akal. Ketika pemerintah menerapkan BM impor kedelai sebesar 10%, negara eksportir pun berlomba-lomba memberikan kemudahan kepada importir berupa kredit ekspor dan L/C yang mempunyai tempo mundur dengan grace period yang panjang. Akibatnya, trader telanjur masuk, dan negara pun telanjur sakau (tergantung) dengan kedelai impor. 

Namun, titik balik dari itu semua adalah pecahnya puncak gunung es awal pekan ini. Pengusaha tahu dan tempe mogok produksi serta menggelar aksi demo.

Mereka tidak kuat dengan harga bahan baku yang semakin mencekik leher akibat naiknya harga dunia kedelai setelah Amerika Serikat, selaku eksportir terbesar komoditas itu produksinya berkurang karena petaninya memilih menanam jagung sebagai bahan biodiesel.

Pemerintah RI kalang kabut. Presiden pun turun gunung. Dan BM impor dikembalikan ke 0%. Kebijakan itu sebenarnya tidak sepadan dengan harga kedelai yang di kisaran Rp7.500-Rp8.000 per kg. 

Jadi, potongan harga-kalau toh bisa-dari penurunan BM hanya sekitar Rp500-Rp700 per kg. Masih mahal dibandingkan dengan harga kedelai di pengujung 2007 yang di kisaran Rp4.000 per kg.

Uniknya, pada saat sidang kabinet terbatas di Departemen Pertanian Selasa lalu, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono malah menyatakan akan berkompromi dengan importir kedelai dan memohon kesadarannya untuk menurunkan harga sebagai imbal balik pemangkasan BM.

Kemudian Dirjen Bea Cukai ditugasi memanggil importir (Selasa). Tiga importir besar pun datang. Di antaranya PT Gerbang Cahaya Utama dengan persentase impor kedelai sebesar 64%, Cargill Indonesia (18,18%) dan Alam Agri Perkasa (13%). 

Hari berikutnya, Deptan dan Depdag kembali memanggil importir kedelai. Mereka berunding mengenai harga ideal. Kali ini yang datang empat importir, yakni Cargill Indonesia, Gerbang Cahaya Utama, Gunung Sewu dan Sekar Makmur.

Namun, dalam pertemuan ke dua juga belum ada titik temu. Karena Depdag belum punya rumusan harga ideal. Sementara itu, importir juga belum bisa menyanggupi kapan dan harga berapa kedelai distabilkan.

Menurut Public Affairs Department Cargill Indonesia Susi Hutapea, pihaknya sanggup mengamankan distribusi dan mengeluarkan barang asalkan sesuai harga pasar. Namun, jika dipaksa untuk memangkas harga terlalu besar, pihaknya lebih baik melempar barangnya di luar negeri.

"Kami tidak memainkan harga, penjualan sesuai hukum pasar. Jika ada tuduhan kartel, tolong dibuktikan. Kami bisa membantu menstabilkan harga, tetapi tidak jauh dari harga pasar [Rp7.200 per kg] atau memangkas margin," ujarnya.

Tampaknya importir masih keberatan untuk memangkas marginnya. Pertanyaan di sini, seberapa hebat sih importir kedelai ini, sehingga pemerintah terkesan'takut' dan tidak 'tegas' kepada mereka. Kan tinggal cabut saja izin impornya jika mereka benar-benar memainkan harga (kartel). Atau apabila menimbun barang, seret saja ke pengadilan. Atau, memang pemerintah tidak punya alat atau cara untuk menekan harga komoditas yang dekat dengan masyarakat lapisan bawah ini? (redaksi@bisnis.co.id)

Oleh Hendri T. Asworo
Kontributor Bisnis Indonesia


Fortune 16-Jan-08: How Brazil Outfarmed the American Farmer

FORTUNE, JANUARY 16 2008: 11:55 AM EST

How Brazil outfarmed the American farmer

After a half-century of dominance, the U.S. is losing its edge in agriculture to a booming, high-tech Latin American powerhouse. Its secret weapon? Soybeans.

Soy farms in South America are routinely ten times bigger than their North American counterparts.
Longtime Illinois soybean farmer Phil Corzine (right) at his 3,500-acre farm in central Brazil.
Phil Corzine's soy farm in the state of Tocantins.
Lucas do Rio Verde's mayor, Marino Jose Franz, inspects a biodiesel plant being built by his company.
Planned neighborhoods and government housing built by the municipality of Lucas do Rio Verde.
Governor of Matto Grosso and president of Maggi, Blairo Maggi
The Maggi Group's new processing plant under construction in Lucas Do Rio Verde.
Brazilian soy provides feedstock for the country's booming livestock industry.
BR-163, a two-lane, potholed road in Mato Grosso, is one of Brazil's most important highways.

(Fortune Magazine) -- Phil Corzine is not abandoning Illinois. A longtime soybean farmer in Assumption, a small town east of Springfield, he is firmly loyal to his state - he once ran the Illinois Soybean Checkoff Board, a program in which Illinois farmers promote Illinois soybeans. But the 1,300 acres Corzine planted in 2007 are not in Illinois, or even in the Midwest. They're in central Brazil, in the state of Tocantins, part of a big swath of soy-producing lands that stretch between the Andes and the Atlantic forest and from northern Argentina to the southern flanks of the Amazon basin. Soylandia, as this immense region might be called, is almost entirely unknown to Americans. But it may well be the future of one of the world's most important industries: grain agriculture.

Mainly out of curiosity, Corzine visited Brazil in 1998. Like most U.S. soy producers, he'd noted Brazil's rapid rise in the trade - from amateur to global power in the space of a couple of decades. Its scale of operations, however, stunned him. A big farm in Illinois may cover 3,000 acres; spreads in Soylandia are routinely ten times bigger. Conditions there were primitive, Corzine thought, but Soylandia was going to expand in a way that was no longer possible in the U.S. With three partners he raised $1.3 million from more than 90 investors, mostly Midwestern farmers. In Illinois, he says, that kind of money "can't even buy the equipment, let alone the land." In Brazil it was enough for Corzine's group to acquire 3,500 acres in 2004. Since then, the land has almost doubled in value as other American investors clamored to get into Brazilian soy. This year Corzine, now 49, raised another $400,000. "We feel like what's going on is long-term positive," he says with Midwestern understatement.

Twenty years ago it would have seemed absurd for an American farmer to move into South America. U.S. growers still aren't rushing in en masse - Corzine's consortium is one of perhaps 300 U.S. groups invested in the area - but the notion of doing so no longer seems ridiculous. Today Soylandia, with nearly 60% of the world market, dominates the global soy trade. And Brazil - the heart of Soylandia - is an agricultural powerhouse. Not only is it the world's biggest soy exporter, a title it seized from the U.S. in 2006, but it has the world's biggest farm trade surplus, $27.5 billion last year. (The U.S. surplus was $4.6 billion.) The leading producer of beef, poultry, pork, ethanol, coffee, orange juice concentrate, sugar, and tobacco, Brazil has seen farm exports grow an average of 20% a year since 2000, according to the USDA.

But of all those products, soy is by far the most important - and demand is exploding. Asia has long produced its own soy foods: tofu, soymilk, miso. Now soy is ever more prominent in the U.S. diet, though it is often hidden by aliases like "hydrolyzed vegetable protein." Meanwhile the use of soy for animal feed is soaring. China wants it for its fast-growing poultry, swine, and fish-farming industries, while Europe increasingly demands it because soy-fed cattle can't develop mad cow disease.

The main boost in demand, however, is industrial. Nontoxic, nonpolluting, and biodegradable, soy is becoming the precursor of choice for manufacturing paints, solvents, textiles, lubricants, plastics of every variety, and countless other products. Soy provides oil for chainsaw motors in Montana, glue for plywood cabinets in Michigan, foam insulation for offices in Massachusetts, and backing for artificial turf in putting greens and stadiums throughout the Midwest. In July, Ford (FFortune 500) announced it would replace the petroleum-based polyurethane foam cushions in its car seats with cushions made from soy foam. The company's first green-seat car: the 2008 Mustang. Muscle-car soy! More important still, the fuel in the tank can also be made from soy biodiesel. With oil stumbling toward $100 a barrel, Brazil is positioned to become the Saudi Arabia of biofuels. (It could also become a Saudi-like power in conventional fuel: Last year the state oil company, Petrobras (PZE), found the biggest new petroleum reserve in 30 years 155 miles offshore from Rio de Janeiro.)

Ordinarily the soy boom would represent a huge opportunity for U.S. agriculture. Since World War II, U.S. farmers have led the world in the three most important staple crops: wheat, corn, and soy. Midwestern harvests have steadily increased during that time, in large part due to American prowess at moving laboratory innovations - improved seeds, new fertilizing methods - to the field and to the global market. Along the way, agriculture became the crown jewel of U.S. exports. Even as cars, steel, and other former standouts lost market share to foreign competitors, agriculture reliably put up impressive U.S. balance of trade numbers, partially offsetting America's apparently limitless appetite for Pokémons, Perrier, and Priuses.

Today that is changing. As the rise of Soylandia demonstrates, crops formerly dominated by temperate-zone producers can be transformed into tropical commodities. Latin American soy production is the equal of anything in Iowa or Illinois. Indeed, it's often better: Soybean yields in Brazil have surpassed the U.S. in three of the past six years. Average costs per bushel in the U.S. are about $6.70, including domestic and ocean freight, while Brazilians weigh in at $5.05.

In the U.S., soy has little room left to expand. There just isn't much unused good farmland left. Worse, ethanol subsidies have driven the prices for corn so high that many American soy farmers are switching crops. Despite the global rise in soy demand and near-record prices, the USDA reported in July that U.S. soy plantings fell by 15% in 2007, to 64.1 million acres - the lowest level in 12 years. Meanwhile, the United Nations reports that the four main nations of Soylandia - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia - were growing almost 100 million acres as of 2005, the most recent year with reliable data. And that number is increasing as much as 5% a year.

Labor and land are cheap in Soylandia, but that's not why it is shaking up the farming world. Instead, its advantages are due to its native climate and home-grown technology. Because Soylandia lies in the tropics, its growing season is nearly year-round. Two - and with irrigation, three - crops a year are the norm. In addition, the region is less vulnerable to climatic extremes than the southern and western zones of the Midwest, which are at constant risk of drought and flooding - a risk that may be exacerbated in temperate zones by global warming. South America "has a clear comparative advantage," says Peter Goldsmith, director of the National Soy Research Center at the University of Illinois. "In the long run, there's no obvious way for American farmers to catch up. I wouldn't bet against these people." South American soy, he says, "is a kind of competition America has never faced before."

Almost nobody in Brazil actually eats soy. In this notoriously carnivorous land, the very idea of tofu is enough to cause a shudder. But as far back as the 1960s, some Brazilians recognized that the Asian bean - Glycine max, to biologists - represented both a major business opportunity and a potential solution to an intractable problem.

The dilemma was what to do with Brazil's vast middle west, centered on the state of Mato Grosso, which is 1 1/2 times the size of Texas. "Less probably is known about the interior of Mato Grosso than any other inhabited place of equal size in the world," wrote the journalist and traveler Peter Fleming (brother of the James Bond creator) in 1933. Even in the 1960s no decent roads or railroads connected it to the rest of the world. Its crumbling capital, Cuiabá, was then little more than a hardscrabble burg that serviced local cowboys and alligator poachers. Today Mato Grosso, with almost 15 million acres planted, leads Brazil in soy production, and Cuiabá (pop. 550,000) is the capital of Soylandia.

The state's current prosperity - and its source - would have startled Fleming. Most of Mato Grosso is covered by cerrado, wooded savanna that sprawls over 700,000 square miles of Brazil, including much of the southern Amazon basin. For decades after Fleming wrote, agricultural researchers believed Glycine max could not prosper there. The plant, imported to Brazil in the 19th century by Japanese laborers, needs long exposure to sunlight; the uniform 12-hour day at the equator is simply too short. (By contrast, Iowa summer days can be more than 15 hours long.) In addition, soy, like other legumes, uses symbiotic rhizobium bacteria in its roots to "fix" nitrogen into the soil, reducing the need for fertilizer. But because nitrogen-fixing bacteria can't survive in the cerrado's highly acidic, aluminum-rich soils, farms would have to be heavily fertilized with lime, a significant cost disadvantage. Even if the poor farmers on the cerrado had somehow managed to eke out a crop, they could not have exported it - Soylandia's potholed dirt roads were impassable much of the year.

In the 1960s the generals who then ruled Brazil looked at their maps and observed to their displeasure that about 60% of the country was empty (actually, it was filled with Indians, the descendents of escaped slaves, peasant farmers, and other forest peoples, but the government dismissed them). To the generals' way of thinking, filling the emptiness was a matter of national security; in any case, like authoritarians everywhere, they wanted to do big projects.

In a program that would later trigger worldwide protests, the generals began linking the brand-new, ultramodernist capital, Brasília (itself an earlier megaproject), to a network of roads across the interior to the port cities of rain forest Amazonia. Much of the road system went through the cerrado rather than the better-known rain forest. Not only was it much easier to clear, but it was then not even in the environmentalists' sights even though the dry forest is almost as biologically diverse as the wet forest.

One of the highways, BR-364, ran from São Paulo through Cuiabá to the west Amazon. In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of thousands of migrants from central and southern Brazil thronged up BR-364, believing the generals' promises that they could begin new lives in agricultural settlements. Instead, the government lost control of the land rush, setting off violent battles among squatters, speculators, and ranchers over homestead titles. Many small holders abandoned their farms soon after clearing them - few crops would grow in the cerrado's soil. The big ranches didn't do much better, even though many received subsidies from the government.

Despite the economic failures, land wars, and ecological havoc, the generals viewed the settlement program as anything but a failure: It opened up the cerrado in Mato Grosso, then moved north through the rain forests and created conduits all the way up to the Amazon River. By the 1990s more than half of the cerrado had been burned and bulldozed into pasture or farmland.

"It was a much bigger assault on an ecosystem than what was occurring in the tropical forest," says Donald Sawyer of the Institute for Population, Society, and Nature, a Brazilian nonprofit. The cerrado vanished at a rate "almost double that of the rain forest," he says. "But there was almost no complaint from the big environmental groups, because the cerrado, though very beautiful, doesn't get put on the calendars." According to Sawyer, the conversion of the cerrado was probably the biggest, fastest land-use change in human history - some 450,000 square miles, an area bigger than Texas and Oklahoma combined, converted in less than a generation.

Opening up the landscape was pointless if Brazilians couldn't figure out how to use it. That was the goal of a second part of the generals' program: sending Brazil's best and brightest to foreign universities, most of them in the U.S. In the 1960s and 1970s state schools in the Midwest and California were awash with Brazilians studying crop breeding, soil science, and regional planning. Many of the new Ph.D.s returned to the Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), a network of state-run agricultural research and extension agencies. In a suite of remarkable achievements, Embrapa's scientific teams bred soy varieties that could thrive in shorter days and strains of nitrogen-fixing bacteria that could tolerate cerrado soils - and then figured out how to inoculate the new soy seeds with the new microbes en masse.

Between 1985 and 1995, soy harvests in Mato Grosso quintupled, soaring from a million metric tons a year to 5.2 million. In the process, so much acreage was burned for clearing that soy in general - and soy from Mato Grosso, the hottest of burning hot spots, in particular - became a favorite subject for environmentalist campaigns. But most Brazilian economists, entrepreneurs, and politicians saw Glycine max in a very different light. Largely due to agro exports, Brazil stopped being a debtor nation, and South American soy, its new biotechnological wonder, became a major presence on the Chicago Board of Trade's exchange.

"These guys have the finest low-latitude agricultural technology on the planet for soy and a number of other crops, like cotton," says Goldsmith, the National Soy Research Institute director. Soy, in Goldsmith's view, is the first in a series of temperate crops that are shifting to the tropics, with wheat and corn next in line. In a kind of agricultural offshoring, the production chain could move from the Midwest to cheaper, emptier tropical zones: Latin America, parts of Asia, and ultimately Africa. (Not only will the places be tropical, but much of the necessary technology will be controlled by patents in Soylandia.) In the past such shifts have had profound consequences. At the dawn of the 20th century, Poland and France, the West's former breadbaskets, lost out to the prairies around the Great Lakes. The rise of mechanized agriculture in the Midwest helped set the stage for this nation's industrial supremacy, much of it based on factories in those same areas. Similarly, the shift of high-tech agriculture outside of the U.S. will probably stimulate other kinds of industry - other kinds of competition adapted to the enormous land masses of the tropics.

"It's very interesting when the U.S. and Europe aren't the center of the universe," Goldsmith says drily. "And it'll be even more interesting if we fall behind."

When Kory Melby wants to show Americans what he means by the competition from South America, he takes them to a town called Lucas do Rio Verde. Melby, a farmer from northwest Minnesota, first visited Brazil in 1994. But it was not until 2001, when he and several other farmers took a trip to Mato Grosso, that Melby understood what was happening. They drove north from Cuiabá on BR-163, Mato Grosso's other new highway. For the first hour they climbed a dry plateau. There wasn't much to see: wooded pastures with forested mesas and water courses. Then they hit the top of the plateau, Melby recalls, and saw "an ocean of green - soybeans as far as you could see." For hour after hour the farmers passed by low, undulating hills covered with what is called the "soy complex": Glycine max and the corn, sunflower, and other crops grown in rotation with it. "We were all in shock," Melby reported. The farmers asked themselves, in Melby's recollection, "They grow two crops per year here? They can grow soybeans here for $2.80 per bushel? Can this be true? If so, I am screwed."

Melby, 38, decided to move to Brazil, where he now advises U.S. investors who want in on Soylandia. Just as he was, they are usually blown away when they reach Lucas do Rio Verde. Laid out in neat, paved, well-lighted streets and flowered plazas, the city is a far cry from the bawdy boomtowns typically associated with frontier settlement. Free clinics sit beside new schools; children splash around municipal swimming pools; workers hurriedly erect hundreds of neat bungalows for new arrivals; buses wait in yards to take them to their jobs. Meanwhile, mothers walk to part-time jobs at a chicken-incubation plant. In the next three years Lucas's population is expected to almost double, to 50,000.

Today Lucas do Rio Verde County - an area a bit bigger than Yosemite National Park - produces 1% of Brazil's soy crop, 10% of its corn, and 4% of its cotton. In Soylandia, where export commodities are king, Lucas is the jewel in the crown, a place that typifies what is known in Brazilian development circles as the "Mato Grosso model." More succinctly, it offers a peek into what Soylandia's executive class views as the future of tropical agriculture.

Lucas wasn't always a showcase. The city's mayor, Marino José Franz, came to Mato Grosso with nothing but a suitcase in the early 1980s. Like his brother, who accompanied him, he was stunned to encounter the region's bad roads, endemic disease, and rampant violence: It was Deadwood with malaria. Unlike most of their counterparts, though, the brothers had degrees in agronomy. The Franzes, two of the few early migrants who decided to stay, now run a big agricultural supply firm called Fiagril. And Fiagril played a major role in Lucas's newest accomplishment: the soy megacomplex rising in a clamor of trucks, cranes, and red dust on the east side of town. At the center will be a processing plant owned by the Maggi Group - one of the world's biggest soy growers, owned by Blairo Maggi, the current governor of Mato Grosso (no relation to the Nestlé subsidiary that produces Maggi bouillon). Up to 3,000 tons of beans a day will be trucked into one end of the facility. After crushing, the soybeans travel out the other end into what are in effect two great pipelines. The output from one will go to a new, nearby $15 million biodiesel refinery controlled by Mayor Franz's Fiagril Group and intended to ensure Lucas's energy independence for its tractors, harvesters, and trucks by producing local farm fuel. (Most Brazilian vehicles can run on several types of fuel - the country has long been a leader in "flex-fuel" technology, for which Brazilian companies hold most of the patents.)

The rest of the soy will be processed into meal - rations for chickens and swine - to supply the "meat shed" for a $400 million slaughterhouse complex under construction by Sadia, a Brazilian meatpacker that is one of the world's biggest. (The biggest is another Brazilian firm, FriBoi, which recently acquired the icon of Midwestern carnivory, Swift.) Part of the factory will process 500,000 chickens a day; another part, when at full capacity, will handle 5,000 hogs a day. When the facility opens in March, it will be Latin America's biggest slaughterhouse.

The Lucas complex, Melby says, "is something you can't find anywhere else in the world." In no other place are "the corn growers or soybean growers all in a row with a feed mill and a processing plant sitting there waiting to buy all the stuff for their animals." Lucas, in his view, will be the "next Des Moines or Decatur, Ill."

Like Decatur, but more efficient. Similar attempts at integration are underway in the U.S. In Frankfort, Ind., for example, Frito-Lay, Archer Daniels Midland (ADMFortune 500), and Indiana Clean Energy are building a facility that will use hog manure and corn-processing waste to produce electricity. But such complexes are easier to set up in Latin America, because they don't require undoing 150 years of history. In the course of the crash effort to produce ethanol in the U.S., says Texas A&M agricultural economist Daniel Klinefelter, "we're producing an incredible amount of DDG [distillers dried grains] as a byproduct." DDG is widely used as cattle feed. "The problem is we have this stuff in Iowa and the cattle are in Texas." Texas ranchers can't shift their feedlots to Iowa to cut shipping costs - "local communities and environmental regulations won't let them." Meanwhile, Soylandians face fewer constraints. "If you have a blank slate," Klinefelter says, "it's a whole lot easier to design things."

Given the Amazon's recent history of anarchic brutality and environmental mayhem, one would expect Sting and Leonardo DiCaprio to be flying planeloads of eco-activists to Mayor Franz's doorstep to denounce Lucas do Rio Verde and the other rising agricultural capitals in Mato Grosso. But Soylandia is jacking up production even as it greens itself - or, more precisely, becomes considerably less brown than it was. According to the Brazilian space agency, the Amazon's annual rate of deforestation fell by 64% between 2004 and 2007. And much of the decline was in Mato Grosso.

"It's all due to my policies, of course," jokes Maggi. Actually, he notes, part of the decline is because "nobody's got any money." The weakness of the dollar, which makes Brazilian goods more expensive, has slowed the growth of export agriculture and with it, the drive to clear land. More important is that both growers and government have changed focus. Environmental questions, he says flatly, "have been thoroughly integrated into everything we do - the entire supply chain." Rather than mindlessly erasing more of the cerrado, he says, the approach now is to intensify production on previously cleared land.

It is difficult to overstate how surprising these claims are. Maggi is so detested by activists that Greenpeace gave him its 2005 Golden Chainsaw award for his contributions to deforestation. Today Maggi "has got religion," says Mark London, co-author of "The Last Forest," a recent book about the Amazon. "I interviewed him 25 years ago [for a previous book], and the contrast between what he was saying then and doing now is incredible."

Earlier pressure from environmentalists and the national government had begun forcing Mato Grosso to shift course even before Maggi took office in 2003. Nonetheless, his administration not only supported the changes but has actually made Mato Grosso's environmental standards among the stiffest in the world. And the state is enforcing those standards. For instance, growers must avoid planting on hilltops and dedicate 20% of their cerrado holdings to natural vegetation (the figure rises to 80% in rain forest). If they don't comply, they have to pay steep fines.

The change is not entirely altruistic. Ecological correctness, Maggi argues, can drive up the value of soy and other crops. Put bluntly, he wants to segment the soy market. One segment will be high-priced products branded as "Eco OK" for green-minded buyers in Europe, the U.S., and other wealthy areas where green consumerism is taking hold; the other will be low-value, nongreen commodity products destined for poorer places. The high-end, high-profit sector will be dominated by Brazil; the rest will be left to countries like the U.S.

Indeed, U.S. growers often cannot match Mato Grosso's environmental standards. In making the environment into a competitive advantage, says João S. Campari, director of the Nature Conservancy's Cuiabá office, "Mato Grosso could become a model that leads the rest of the world."

Before that happens, Soylandia has a few obstacles to overcome. The biggest one - the one immediately apparent to anyone taking the same drive that so impressed Melby - is the roads. The entire transportation infrastructure of the Amazon is in a state of near collapse. Some of the grandiose highways built by the generals in the 1970s have simply been swallowed by the forest; others spend the rainy season as muddy swamps and the dry season as gully-ridden dust sloughs. The narrow two-lane road through Lucas do Rio Verde is among Mato Grosso's most important highways: a lethal, near-continuous assault of hurtling trucks separated by inches as they crash through potholes. It's anything but a state-of-the-art supply chain: Shipping one metric ton of soybeans from, say, Lucas do Rio Verde to Shanghai typically costs $202 on average, according to an August USDA report; by contrast, shipping the same ton from Iowa would cost $77.

Fearing that bad transportation will offset Brazil's advantages - and recognizing that eco-politics have made central governments wary of large-scale Amazon projects - business has begun building its own local infrastructure. Growers throughout Soylandia have constructed feeder roads - the equivalents of U.S. state highways - to supplement weak national road networks. In 2002 the Maggi group, Petrobras, and the Amazonas state government jointly constructed a $125 million private container port in Porto Velho, a down-at-the-heels river city on the western edge of the Brazilian Amazon (barges take the containers to an international port at Itacoatiara, farther down the Amazon). And last year Brasil Ferrovias (a subsidiary of the Brazilian holding company América Latina Logística) built a 60-mile railroad from eastern Mato Grosso to the port of Alto Araguaia, on an upper Amazon tributary.

But none of these, Maggi says, will make up for the lack of roads - it's as if the entire U.S. Farmbelt had just three north-south highways. For 20 years activists have argued that roads - which almost by definition accelerate deforestation - cannot be punched through the Amazon until sensitive forest areas are secured in parks and indigenous people are protected in reserves. Today, in Maggi's view, federal and state governments throughout Soylandia have done what the green lobby asked. Now it's time to build the roads. "The environmental stuff is much more balanced than it was historically," he says. "And without this development, Brazil won't be able to compete."

For Mato Grosso, to Maggi's way of thinking, the national government must finally push through three projects, all of which have been on the table for decades. First, BR-163 must be extended to the Amazon River city of Santarém, where U.S. agri-giant Cargill has constructed a controversial deepwater port. "You can save $40 to $50 a ton by this road alone," Maggi says. (Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva this year earmarked $800 million to finish the highway. But in March the government temporarily shuttered the Cargill port over an environmental dispute, and activists point to speculative deforestation stimulated by the highway.) On the eastern side of the state, Maggi says, the government must complete BR-158, which connects the eastern Amazon to São Paulo, cutting through Mato Grosso along the way. Finally, it must beat back vehement green resistance and open the Paraguay River by dredging and canalization, thus connecting Cuiabá to Brazil's Atlantic ports and its trading partners in Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Maggi is convinced that all three projects will at last go through - not least because Maggi, one of Soylandia's richest people, provided critical financial and political support to Lula during a difficult reelection campaign in 2006.

Even if the roads are built, U.S. farmers will still be able to sell their soy, says Richard Brock, president of the agricultural consulting firm Brock Associates, in Milwaukee. This year the U.S. soy harvest is projected to be 73.5 million tons, about 54 million tons of which will be used domestically. Meanwhile, China alone is expected to import 48.5 million tons of soy. "South America is providing goods for a void that we are unable to fill," Brock says. "U.S. growers will not suddenly accumulate stockpiles of unsold soybeans." Brock is similarly skeptical of Maggi's plan to create a higher-value, green version of soy. "If they do develop it, it will also be developed by the U.S.," he asserts.

True enough, says Texas A&M's Klinefelter, but this logic implicitly condemns the U.S. to the role of "supplier of last resort - the high-cost, low-grade producer you buy from when you can't buy the good stuff you want. That's not a good position to be in."

For U.S. agriculture to thrive in an era of unprecedented competition, Klinefelter says, it will have to undergo some wrenching changes. "Look at California," he says. "As real estate values have exploded and water has become more constrained, California has had to move away from commodity agriculture." The state still farms rice and cotton, both of which are heavily subsidized, but production is shifting rapidly to more valuable crops like grapes, berries, stone fruits, melons, nuts, and tomatoes. And the production is increasingly organic. Sold to the affluent, these new crops generate profits big enough to offset the state's environmental regulations and rising prices for land, labor, and water.

A classic example of this upscaling of commodities, Klinefelter says, is the bagged-salad industry. Fifteen years ago few stores sold packaged salads; lettuce was available only in heads. Today salad-in-a-bag is a $7 billion industry, the single biggest-selling fresh product in U.S. grocery stores, according to the United Fresh Produce Association. Born of high tech as surely as the iPod, packaged salad is cooled in the field, trimmed on an assembly line, triple-washed and air dried, then sealed into "equilibrium modified-atmosphere" packaging - which contains altered levels of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen to keep the leaves looking fresh - and then quickly trucked or flown to the rest of the country. "Brazil can't do this like we can," Klinefelter says. "Growing specialized versions of food on a large scale is something that we have an advantage in," because the U.S. still has a better infrastructure and a more educated workforce.

Unfortunately, he says, U.S. agriculture is so highly subsidized that the industry is slower to move than it would be "if the market was pure - our farm programs keep excess resources in agriculture and in some cases maintain operations that are not as efficient." That delay could be dangerous. "We've had a lot of cases in which U.S. industries thought they were on top of the world," Klinefelter says, "and then suddenly they weren't."

Soylandia's hyper-responsive agro-industrial technology treadmill, its global market segmentation, its rising use of biofuels - all this gives the place a highly 21st-century feel, an aura of ascendance. Bolstering this impression, says Mayor Franz of Lucas do Rio Verde, is its population of "young, rural entrepreneurs, the offspring of the early colonists and capitalists from elsewhere in Brazil, many barely in their 40s, who are trying to make their fortune."

A few Americans, like Corzine and Melby, are attempting to take advantage of the opportunities in Soylandia - learning the language, accustoming themselves to Soylandia's cuisine, and coping with the isolation of what is in effect pioneer life. But most of them don't stay long, Franz says. "They come down here and start missing their cable TV and their Internet, and they don't come back."

"The Americans are very welcome," he adds. "But we'll also build up this place without them."

Susanna Hecht is professor of regional and international development at UCLA's School of Public Affairs. She is the author of more than a dozen books, including The Fate of the Forest: Developers, Destroyers, and Defenders of the Amazon. Charles Mann is the author of 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus. His most recent article for Fortune, about post-Katrina New Orleans, ran in August 2006.

RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Joan L. Levinstein contributed to this article. To top of page